Monday, July 26, 2010

As I write this, I am working "off campus" at Camp Wyoming outside Wyoming, Iowa. Here we are in beautiful Jones County, a county that Gov. Culver has asked to be declared a disaster area due to flooding. Already the news is talking about "the flood of 2010" while the camp counselors are sharing stories of the flood of 2008. I think it is one of the challenging things for us to comprehend--how nature can be so wonderful and so destructive at the same time.

Some of us react to flooding and other natural disasters by declaring "these things shouldn't happen," and we doubt the benevolence (or even the existence) of God. Other people react by not wondering about the big questions, but just start helping out as best they can. Other people say that humans are not capable of affecting any change and continue living their own lives as best they can. What do you think? How do you respond?

As thoughtful Christians, we find ourselves in the middle of transitions and crises, and we may not always be able to make sense of it all. Those of you who are currently suffering (or have suffered) loss, pain, defeat--you are the ones who have the perspective of faith. And the rest of us can love and serve in many different ways. I think there will always be things we don't understand. (That is a sign of wisdom--to know that we don't know and to be okay with that.) Calvin believed that our faith should teach us humility, gratitude and freedom from fear. In the mix of these three, I find my place in life. When the floods of life come, what works for you?

Peace like a river, David

Sunday, July 4, 2010

219th General Assembly (2010) - Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Tonight the General Assembly elected a new moderator, Cynthia Bolbach, an elder from Washington D.C. Her two year term begins immediately. She will spend the bulk of her term traveling all over speaking to the church and also representing us to the world. Hopefully, she will be in East Iowa Presbytery soon, as her predecessor Bruce Reyes-Chow was.

This link should take you to the details of the election and a brief description of

219th General Assembly (2010) - Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)