Monday, September 26, 2011

In Our Work & In Our Play

The Spirit of God is working in our midst.

We have an Organist Task Force that is searching for an organist/pianist to enhance our worship experience. This person will fill the same role as our previous organists and will work with David Coleman. We have carpet in our Parlor/Fellowship Hall that is rippling, so we have a Parlor Task Force that is exploring options to remedy that tripping hazard. We have a noon bible study on Mondays led by one of our session elders, Mike Eversmeyer. We, especially Deacons, continue to reach out with love and support to those in our community who are bereaved and suffering. We have an opportunity to send a new generation to the Walk to Emmaus. We have raised money for Camp Wyoming in support of their needed property updates. This weekend many of us will walk to help in hunger with CROP Walk. The Presbyterian Women are hosting their Fall Gathering here in two weeks. Children will be baptized on Sunday, October 16th. Confirmation class resumes soon. And stewardship will become more of an emphasis over the next weeks. This summer our Book of Order changed (a completely new Form of Government and Foundations of Presbyterian Polity) which gives us the opportunity to reshape priorities around our mission goals. Our session continues to emphasize a priority for our church regarding welcoming, greeting and acclimating new attendees into our midst (Radical Hospitality).

Radical doesn’t mean that we get all wild and crazy and torch the place. Radical means that we follow Jesus’ lead to get back to the “radix”—back to the heart of the matter. God has placed us together at this particular time and place so that we may celebrate and share the grace, love, forgiveness and hope that is Jesus. We are here so that God may changes lives through our ministries. In our work and in our play may this be true today.

~ David