Thursday, May 13, 2010

What is God's Blood Type?

One of our cats is unfortunately not feeling well. During a visit to the vet, the doc drew blood to assess his health (results pending). The blood talk prompted Justin to ask, "What kind of blood do you have, Mom?"
"B+" I replied.
"Being positive is good, Mom," he responded.
As I started to explain a bit about blood types, he interrupted to say that he and his Dad both have brown eyes so they have the same type, and Jonathon and I have green eyes, so we're the same.
(I see that I'll have to circle back a bit...)
But before I could, Jonathon picked up on my comment about rare blood types and asked, "What kind of blood does God have?"
He followed that up with, "Well, he's special and unique, so he has the rare kind, right?"
Now we know that rare with regard to blood types doesn't confer any special characteristics with regard to the bearer of said blood type.
Justin concurred. "God is DEFINITELY AB negative, Mom...and so is Jesus, even though Jesus was more famous than God."
(Sidebar: my boys frequently pull God into discussions as a measuring tool to talk about the "extreme" of something...ergo, I'm frequently flummoxed...).
In the end, we concluded our discussion of God's blood type with a vague, "I don't know, " and "Blood type doesn't determine the kind of person that you are."
To which they pulled the "God extreme card" saying, "Well God's must be the most rare, special blood..."

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