Monday, August 20, 2012

My Resignation

Yesterday I met with the church session and submitted my resignation as your Pastor. My end date is yet to be determined, but will most likely be the middle of October (8 weeks). I am in the process of relocating my family to my hometown Forney, Texas. Sam and Sarah are starting school on Monday, August 27. Laura and Sophia will most likely leave for Texas at the end of this month, as Laura is finalizing details for her new job.

Over the next several weeks I will focus on wrapping up my ministry here in Muscatine. I will also begin the process of selling our house and finding a ministry position near Forney. I ask your prayers for me and my family during this time of transition.

Please know that my ministry here has been wonderful. I have been deeply blessed by the many opportunities you have afforded me to try new things and plant seeds for future harvesting. You have been graceful with me in my shortcomings and have been generous and hospitable with Laura and our children. I have nothing but gratitude and appreciation for each one of you!

The session will begin working with the Presbytery’s Committee on Ministry to take next steps. This of course will involve forming an Interim Search Team. The session will also make sure we continue to take care of our new Pastoral Resident Patricia Greene.

This transition will be difficult for me and will include grief and sadness. I am leaving a people and a place that I have truly come to love during our nearly 5 years together. Tears will flow and tears are good. But I also know that this relocation back to Texas comes at the right time for me personally and for my family. It is time for us to be closer to family. I pray that these next few weeks together will be a time to celebrate all the ways God has blessed our time together.

Since Sam and Sarah are leaving Thursday for Texas, my family will be at the church from 5:00pm to 6:30pm this Tuesday August 21. This will be an opportunity for you to say goodbye to the two of them before they leave town. This is a casual, "come and go" gathering, so please come as you are able.

Sincerely and in Christ's peace,


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