Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Leadership Summit

On Saturday November 6, six of us attended a Leadership Summit hosted by the Presbytery of East Iowa. (Just another example of how our presbytery is nurturing leadership and vitality in our churches).

Barb, Al, Kate, Sue, Alex and I heard a presentation by Glenn McDonald, whose 2004 book The Disciple Making Church: From Dry Bones to Spiritual Vitality is still making a splash. Over 170 leaders from churches all around attended. We think the reason that so many attended is because there is a longing in our local churches for a better way of being church. We think that God is working in a particular way with many churches to bring us back to the essential nature of what we are to be about: “to be disciples who make disciples.”

For too long, McDonald states, churches have focused on the wrong things. We have focused on the ABC’s: attendance, building and cash (or bodies, bricks and bucks). But our real mission, given to us by Jesus in the Bible, is to grow up in Christ and to be involved in transformative relationships with others. If you have the book, read it. If you need a copy, they are available from the church for $10.

I am asking you to pray for our church as we enter a new decade of ministry in Muscatine. Please pray that we will discern the movements of the Spirit and have the courage and trust to follow Jesus as our Teacher. I know I'm gettin' schooled...

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