Saturday, November 19, 2011

Friday & Sunday

Friday is known as "Black Friday" and is often considered the busiest shopping day of the year. Some have begun referring to it as "Debt Friday," because so many of us go shopping for Christmas on credit, living beyond our means.

But wait: tomorrow is Christ the King Sunday. It is the Sunday that believers recognize that Christ is the Lord of all creation. We remember that to Christ alone belongs the supreme allegiance in our lives. The day exposes all the idols around us that claim our allegiance of time, money, energy and focus.

The message of Black Friday is that you are valued because you are a consumer. Your job is to go spend your money so that someone else can make money. The message of Christ the King Sunday is that you are valued because you belong to Christ who reigns with grace and beauty. Your joy is to respond with gratitude because of the gift of Life you have been given. What a contrast!

As you find yourself living between Sunday and Friday, I'd ask you to try to find the proper balance. Try to spend as much time praying over your financial commitment to a tithe (giving away 10% of your income or wealth) as you do planning your Christmas shopping. Whether you give to church, charities like United Way or Red Cross, I hope you will discover what so many others have: tithing is more life-giving than buying.

There is nothing wrong with Christmas shopping. This is a wonderful time of the year. Yet Laura and I have found that our giving to church has helped put the rest of our finances in the proper balance and perspective. Read the scripture above. It says that they gave themselves first to the Lord. It also says that it brought them joy. I hope the same for you. 
Peace, David

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