Saturday, November 26, 2011

A Sense of Joy - Al Airola

The following was a minute for stewardship in church on Sunday November 13, 2011 by Al Airola:

There are 2 words at least which make any of us nervous. One is the “e” word, for evangelism, and I think we are getting better at that. And the other is the “m” word, money, which Alex so carefully presented to us as something that is uncomfortable. I know it is for many of you, and it is for me. I can remember as a young man my father telling his children that we did not talk about money. It wasn’t a thing you raised with your friends. And it was a private matter. And I can remember when I was teaching school when a young man or a young woman in their own curious way would say, “And how much do you make?” And my inside would just wanted to say something, but I would say, “You can read it in the paper, it is published every year.”

So anyway, in the stewardship season I cannot presume to tell you what you should do or how you should come to that decision, but I can share with you what Carolyn and I have done over a period of time.

Many years ago when we first joined this church, we became acquainted with stewardship through various needs and for some reason we took it seriously. We had never really been that involved in a church and had never actually made a commitment to provide money, so we thought about it. And, of course, we thought about tithing. Tithing is the giving of 10% of your income and I looked at that figure and I said, “Whoa, I don’t think so, not this year, not next year.” But then we thought about it a little bit, and we decided we would do something very straightforward. I would look at my income tax returns and I at that line and every year, we would try to increase our giving by .5% or 1%. And just do it automatically. It was easy. We didn’t have to think about it. We could start where we were and we would just move along. And we did that for a number of years.

And then I began to tithe to the University of Iowa. I had two children. Two children who were students, through careful planning, two children who were students at the same time and I remember tithing was not going to happen that year, or the next year, or the next year, or the next year. And we were trying to do the best we could. But then when the kids got through their educations, Carolyn and I went back to looking at our income tax returns. And, of course the eternal question for serious people is “Do I tithe on my net or do I tithe on my gross ?” Well, at the beginning we tithed on our net, and then it began to occur to me…the government doesn’t take its stuff off the bottom. Nobody else takes their stuff off the middle, so we decided that we would tithe off our gross. And, it took a number of years, and we finally reached that particular place at which I began to hear the words of Ray Lasell. And Ray Lasell said, “Tithing is a great place to start.”

Now, we are still wrestling with that, but I would encourage you to think seriously about tithing, and the way that we chose to achieve that took many years, and there was some backsliding, and some turning around, and some soul-searching about what we could or could not do, but it seems to me that having reached this particular point, it’s as if we have been doubly blessed. The money is there, it’s not a concern. We have a lot to share. And it seems to ease the burden of the thing about what to give to the church. So I would suggest you think seriously about it.

The only other thing I would mention to you is that Carolyn and I try to write that check at the very, very beginning of the month. It sort of makes me feel that I’m giving to the Lord first fruits. I know if I wait until the end of the month, there is nothing ever left over and God then gets the leftovers and I’m not very happy with that.

So, I would suggest to you to think seriously about whatever you do. Whatever you do is certainly a matter between you and the Lord. There are also many other ways to tithe, than financial. I believe that too, there are things that you can do with your talents and with your gifts. But, think seriously about it. And know that it can be achieved. And once it is achieved, there is a sense of joy. Thank you.

Al Airola

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